Gempa Mentawai dan Merapi Meletus Terkait?
Kurang 24 jam, pada Selasa 26 Oktober 2010 pukul 17.02 WIB, Gunung Merapi mengeluarkan erupsi pertama setelah dari sebulan sebelumnya dinyatakan bahaya. Erupsi-erupsi menghasilkan awan panas yang kemudian diketahui menewaskan 29 orang termasuk Juru Kunci Merapi, Mbah Maridjan.
Apakah dua peristiwa alam ini terkait satu sama lain?
Pakar Geodesi dari Institut Teknologi Bandung, Hasanuddin Z Abidin, menyatakan kedua peristiwa ini berjauhan lokasinya. Menurutnya, terlalu spekulatif apabila menyimpulkan kedua bencana itu ada keterkaitan satu sama lain.
"Terlalu jauh. Saya rasa nggak berhubunganlah," kata Hassanudin dalam perbincangan telepon dengan VIVAnews, Rabu 27 Oktober 2010.
"Mentawai kita ketahui memang dari dulu sering terjadi gempa, sementara aktifitas Merapi itu pun memang ada siklusnya. Lagipula gunung-gunung yang lebih dekat dengan Mentawai seperti misalnya yang ada di Padang saja, itu tidak menunjukkan reaksi apa-apa terkait gempa Mentawai. Jadi menurut saya, terlalu spekulatif kalau menghubungkannya. Mungkin hanya kebetulan saja waktunya sangat berdekatan," kata Hasanuddin.
Ketika ditanya apakah akan ada gempa yang lebih besar lagi di Mentawai setelah gempa dahsyat yang terjadi 25-26 Oktober kemarin, Hasanuddin menegaskan hal itu bisa saja terjadi. "Itu biasa, suatu tempat kalau sudah pernah terjadi gempa pasti nanti akan terjadi lagi gempa di tempat itu. Cuma saja kapan waktunya ini yang susah diprediksi," katanya.
Variasi waktu gempa susulan itu berbeda-beda, tambah Hasanuddin. Bisa dalam hitungan jam, hari, bulan, bahkan ada yang tahunan.
"Biasanya kalau gempa yang besar, itu akan butuh waktu lama untuk terjadi gempa lagi. Mentawai kan kemarin kekuatannya 7,2 skala richter, termasuk besar, nah ini akan akan butuh waktu lama untuk terjadi gempa besar lagi. Makanya menurut saya tidak dalam waktu dekat ini akan terjadi gempa besar lagi, karena dia mesti menyimpan energi dalam waktu lama," kata Hasanuddin.
Penekanan Mitigasi
Hasanuddin menyatakan, yang paling penting dalam penanganan bencana ini adalah mitigasi. "Pemerintah seharusnya lebih care (peduli) dengan riset-riset kebencanaan yang di hulu," katanya.
Riset-riset hulu yang dimaksud itu adalah yang mengenai peringatan dini (early warning), studi potensi bencana, atau identifikasi bencana. "Kita sangat lemah dalam soal early warning. Menurut saya, pemerintah sangat kurang perhatian dalam mitigasi bencana. Saya sering gregetan," katanya.
Mestinya kalau pemerintah serius menaruh perhatian dalam mitigasi bencana, studi atau riset kebencanaan yang ada bisa bermanfaat untuk memperkirakan kapan terjadi bencana dan mengantisipasinya sehingga sedapat mungkin tidak ada kerugian dan korban yang besar.
Hasanuddin meminta pemerintah agar memasukkan juga studi kebencanaan sebagai prioritas perhatian. "Memang studi kebencanaan tidak menghasilkan uang, tetapi itu kan penting, karena bencana ini adalah bahaya laten dan dampaknya juga costly (biaya tinggi). Indonesia ini masuk daerah yang sering terjadi gempa. Jangan selalu repot bertindak setelah kejadian," katanya. (hs)
• VIVAnews
Jaket Kuning UNSRI jok..!!!
hallo wong Unsri... udah pada tau belum, kalo di kampus kita neh sekarang punya komunitas online juga.... jangan-jangan nanti bisa ngalahin FB lagi... hoho.. masih jauh mungkin..
Buat temen-temen yang belum tau dan belum daftar, ayo segera daftar... biar komunitas ini jadi lebih rame... langsung aja klik link ini
komunitas ini masih terhitung baru.. klo gak salah lauching sekitar bulan agustus 2010. Di komunitas ini kita bisa upload dan download video, picture, sound, document... Dan gak ketinggalan yaitu update status..
temen-temen bisa update status disini, di komunitas ini. Kalo menurut saya asal jangan "Alay" aja( bukan alay = anak layo). sambil lihat-lihat status juga bisa main game lho.. haha..
Pokokny gak ketinggalan deh... rugi kalo belum daftar sekarang. ayo...
Soal Nama Penulis
tinggal di padang.. dan bla..bla..bla...."
trus ada yang nanya...
Mr. X : kok namanya gak nyambung ya??? datang "ridha" dari mana????
saya : datang ridha nya dari kedua nama itu... ri diambil dari Syukriya, dan dha-nya dari Hamdhani. (itu cuma akal-akalan saya, hehehe)
Kebanyakan orang yang baru kenal sama saya bingung waktu denger nama lengkap sama panggilan yang "katanya" gak nyambung. Yaa, seperti cerita pendek barusan. Padahal kalo dijelasin biasanya gak ada yang nolak tuh,... :D
"Dunsanak kasadonyo", satu lagi masalahnya adalah
"lho.. panggilannya kok kaya cewek ya.... padahal kan cowok?????"
nah,,, biar jelas persoalan ini... wkwkwk ... kita jelasin ya disini ya...
Awalnyo cak ni...
Di suatu desa yang permai, penuh kedamaian, lahirlah seorang bocah kecil yang tampan, imut, dan menggemaskan...(:D), pada tanggal 11 Juli 1991. atau Kalo di bulan Hijriahnya tanggal 28 zhulhijah 1411. Sebuah harapan, ingin dikaruniai seorang anak perempuan diantara 3 saudara laki-laki lainnya yang telah lebih dahulu ngambil start di Bumi. Tapi yang lahir adalah tetap seorang "pejantan tangguh".
Bapak dan Ibu dari bocah ini tetap bersyukur dengan kelahirannya. Meskipun Tidak sesuai dengan yang mereka harapkan.
"Inilah yang di Ridha-i Allah"
Nah, dari situlah muncul nama ridha. Karena saya dilahirkan laki-laki, dan itu adalah kehendak-Nya, saya pun dipanggil Ridha.
hohoho, ide pertama dari orang Tua, nama lengkap saya adalah "Ridha Azani". keren kan.. wkwkwkw. Munkin maksudnya adalah Ridha yang dilahirkan pada waktu azan. Soalnya saya lahir mank pada waktu azan, azan Maghrib. Tapi gak tau kenapa, nama ini kemudian diganti dengan yang lebih keren pastinya. Anaknya aja keren, namanya juga harus keren kan. (kalo ada yang gak setuju, ngomong langsung sama saya ya)
Kembali ke cerita sebelumnya, inilah yang diridhai Tuhan. Apapun yang diberikan oleh Tuhan, harus kita syukuri.
Orang tua saya bersyukur, disertai dengan memuji Allah Swt. Itu dia... dari hal itu diputuskan nama saya Syukriya Hamdhani, dengan makna bersyukur atas kelahiran seorang anak laki-laki disertai dengan memuji Allah SWT.
merantau review
Iko Uwais stars as Yuda - a young man from rural Sumatra about to begin his merantau, a traditional rite of passage still very much in practice today in which young men are sent off to find their way alone in the big city, to experience new things and learn in a new environment and then - eventually - return home to enrich the local community with their new skills and perspective. The young man is full of hope and optimism but on his arrival he quickly learns how cold and harsh the city can be. The house he had arranged to stay in has been torn down, his prospective landlords having disappeared - presumably with whatever money he had paid them for rent. Totally alone, knowing nobody in the city and afraid to ask for help from home for fear of shaming his family, Yuda has no choice but to squat in a local construction site - a bad start to his journey. And things get worse. The next morning he is robbed by a young boy, the subsequent chase of whom leads him directly into a conflict with a local go-go bar owner beating and extorting money from one of his dancers. This is Yuda's introduction to Jakarta's seedy underworld, and his intervention will lead him on a path of ever-escalating violence.
Beautifully shot, Merantau begins with a very slow, measured pace. If not for the opening demonstration of Yuda's silat skills and later sparring match with his master the film could easily be confused with a domestic drama in the early going. Getting the family and cultural dynamics right is clearly important to Evans and crew, the film spending a significant amount of time in Sumatra before Yuda arrives in Jakarta - the energy and omnipresent concrete of the big city standing in stark contrast to his much more simple home life.
The film may ask for a bit of patience from its audience in the opening act but once the action arrives it comes fast and hard. The first hour teases with just the aforementioned demonstration sequences, a chase scene and Yuda's first encounter with local gangster Johni and then delivers up the full meal in the back half of the picture, the final hour and ten minutes rushing virtually non-stop between high energy, fight intensive set pieces. The fighting is very diverse with every sequence designed to showcase a different aspect of Yuda's skills, neatly balancing technical fighting with a touch of improvisational Jackie Chan style stunt work and raw ass kickery. Silat - at least the variant of silat employed here - is an unusual combination of hard and soft martial arts styles - the hands re-directing while the elbows and knees strike - and Evans shoots his fights with wide, long shots designed to both showcase the fighting style itself and the obvious skills of his star.
Which leads us to Iko Uwais as Yuda. A first time actor who has trained in silat for over fifteen years, Uwais' fight skills have never really been in doubt, not since producers released a behind the scenes training video that showed his preparations for the film. The question was could he act. And the answer is a very resounding yes. Blessed with natural charisma and screen presence along with a script that plays to his natural strengths, Uwais is clearly a major star in the making - a fact borne out by the swarm of instant fans who came to him for autographs and photos not just after the film but for the remainder of the night. Thanks to some obvious physical similarities Uwais will likely field comparisons to Ong Bak's Tony Jaa for the rest of his career but Uwais has a comfort with himself on camera and an ease to his delivery that Jaa has never had.
Boasting very strong technical values, a deceptively simple story that packs an emotional punch, and universally strong performances from a cast blending experienced actors with those making their screen debuts Merantau serves very loud notice that Indonesia is back in the action game, riding on the back of their first legitimate martial arts star since Barry Prima. This particular version of the film undoubtedly runs longer than what international audiences are used to, with a heavier emphasis on domestic drama in the early going, but with a shorter international cut currently in the works - at the time of this writing it looks as though that version will come in at one hour and forty six minutes - that issue should soon be disappearing.
Several Ways to Make Money Blog
Create a blog or make a website, then straight to the money extra income? Oh if that is rather difficult as I understand it, even it can be said as a slogan that is less reliable. If the phrase we often hear and say is true, and the slogan that has made many people including me to wonder.
And when I am in the process and try to know why how come so, then I can understand it with a slightly different way. Apparently more and more blogs that make money indirectly. And in this way is more natural and much easier to be understood. After reading this article, I expect our understanding of the slogan that can be improved. If something is missing, I hope you are willing to add or provide corrections in the comments section.
In order for us not to be surprised and wonder how a blog can create extra income money, I will give some illustrations.
Suppose you have a gardener who routinely durian in season harvest. If you have a camera, a photo just a few duren duren you are plump, then paste the picture on your website. May add the story on the website how you are delicious durian. Mention was also clearly who you are, how much duren you and how do I pay to you if anyone wants to buy, whether to come to your home or you are inter-or transfer money then you send duren. If you send will also mention how much it costs.
Then we assume your website was crowded. So many people who see your pictures duren, they also know how to pay. More importantly you can be trusted, it means you are really selling durian and prospective buyers may be familiar with you, maybe a friend who knows you, or because you have a friend who refer you duren. If you duren price competitive, it can roughly behavior is not? If you think Yes, it means the website can help you sell duren. Which generate money that duren yes, its website to help communicate the form of a plump duren earlier, the price and how to pay.
Oh yes, if you do not have a website, you can make it easily, please read the Ways to Create a Website. Website's main weapon for doing business online, even apart from earlier duren business results, you can also selling website on the website as well. Business websites are like a basket or cart business meatballs, for other people with websites can sell duren earlier example. Business basket can also be in demand and durable kok, as well as with business websites. You can read about business websites here: Online CafeBisnis Pengasilan Joint Supplement
Well, the interlude above, actually also is an example of how websites can make money. Website used as a means of selling a way to make websites. So, until here we've got 2 ways to make money from websites is to make tools to sell durian and sell websites.
How Blogs can make money is another example:
Website that we consider home, and most of the existing rooms can be contracted out. Later it can generate extra income from the rental rooms. For example in this website, at the top of there own paid advertising space. My space is rented by working in the advertising business, and I can generate extra income from the lease, even 1-year costs of this website can be returned from the terms of the lease in several months. You can also rent out some space on your website for banner ads (small banners shaped figure), it's up to you how it works, it is important how you communicate it (how much, how do I pay to you, how long the berlakuknya and so on).
Ok, For those who want to earn extra income from advertising programs Indonesian fast lane, then you can be a publisher KlikSaya.Com Tatacaranya kliksaya.com all very complete in it. This method is like ngekosin home in my illustration above.
Another way how a website can help you create additional income, by re-creating your website as a medium for online training for your business team lead. Suppose you run a Business Pulse Supplement your income then your website function is not to sell the pulse but to train your team how to run the business pulse. Well, if your team develop (such as my team as I write this article numbered over 7000 people) then the pulse of the business that's created additional income. Its website as a tool to increase sales.
link sources : http://penghasilantambahan.com/beberapa-cara-blog-menghasilkan-uang.html