
Water Jet Machining

A water jet cutter is a tool capable of slicing into metal or other materials using a jet of water at high velocity and pressure, or a mixture of water and an abrasive substance. The process is essentially the same as water erosion found in nature but greatly accelerated and concentrated. It is often used during fabrication or manufacture of parts for machinery and other devices. It is the preferred method hen the materials being cut are sensitive to the high temperatures generated by other methods. It has found applications in a diverse number of industries from mining to aerospace where it is used for operations such as cutting, shaping, carving, and reaming.

In the 1950s, forestry engineer Norman Franz experimented with an early form of water jet cutter to cut lumber. However, the technology did not advance notably until the 1970s when Mohamed Hashish created a technique to add abrasives to the water jet cutter. This and other concepts allowed Yih-Ho Michael Pao to develop commercial "ultrahigh-pressure waterjets and abrasive-waterjets into better tools for industrial cutting, drilling, and milling, especially for the flexible factory automation." Today the water jet is unparalleled in many aspects of cutting and has changed the way many products are manufactured. Many types of water jets exist today, including plain water jets, abrasive water jets, percussive water jets, cavitation jets and hybrid jets.

The cutter is commonly connected to a high-pressure water pump where the water is then ejected from the nozzle, cutting through the material by spraying it with the jet of high-speed water. Additives in the form of suspended grit or other abrasives, such as garnet and aluminum oxide, can assist in this process.

An important benefit of the water jet cutter is the ability to cut material without interfering with the material's inherent structure as there is no "heat-affected zone" or HAZ. Minimizing the effects of heat allows metals to be cut without harming or changing intrinsic properties.

Water jet cutters are also capable of producing rather intricate cuts in material. With specialized software and 3-D machining heads, complex 3-D shapes can be produced.

The kerf, or width, of the cut can be changed by changing parts in the nozzle, as well as the type and size of abrasive. Typical abrasive cuts are made with a kerf in the range of 0.04" to 0.05" (1.016 to 1.27 mm), but can be as narrow as 0.02" (0.508 mm). Non-abrasive cuts are normally 0.007" to 0.013" (0.178 to 0.33 mm), but can be as small as 0.003" (0.076 mm), which is approximately the width of a human hair. These small jets can make very small detail possible in a wide range of applications.

Waterjets are capable of attaining accuracy of 0.005" (0.13 mm), and repeatability of 0.001" (0.03 mm).

Water jet is considered a "green" technology. Water jets produce no hazardous waste, reducing waste disposal costs. They can cut off large pieces of reusable scrap material that might have been lost using traditional cutting methods. Parts can be closely nested to maximize material use, and the water jet saves material by creating very little kerf. Water jets use very little water (a half gallon to approximately one gallon per minute depending on cutting head orifice size), and the water that is used can be recycled using a closed-looped system. Waste water usually is clean enough to filter and dispose of down a drain. The garnet abrasive is a non-toxic natural substance that can be recycled for repeated use. Garnet usually can be disposed of in a landfill. Water jets also eliminate airborne dust particles, smoke, fumes, and contaminants[4] from cutting materials such as asbestos and fiberglass. This greatly improves the work environment and reduces problems arising from operator exposure.

Because the nature of the cutting stream can be easily modified the water jet can be used in nearly every industry; there are many different materials that the water jet can cut. Some of them have unique characteristics that require special attention when cutting.

Materials commonly cut with a water jet include rubber, foam, plastics, composites, stone, tile, metals, food, paper and much more. Materials that cannot be cut with a water jet are tempered glass, diamonds and certain ceramics.

Water jet cuts are not typically limited by the thickness of the material, and are capable of cutting materials over eighteen inches (45 cm) thick. The penetrating power of these tools has led to the exploration of their use as anti-tank weapons but, due to their short range and the advent of composite armour, research was discontinued.

Commercial water jet cutting systems are available from manufacturers all over the world, in a range of sizes, and with water pumps capable of a range of pressures. Typical water jet cutting machines have a working envelope as small as a few square feet, or up to hundreds of square feet. Ultra-high pressure water pumps are available from as low as 40,000 psi (276 MPa) up to 100,000 psi (689 MPa).



IBU by Iwan Fals

Intro : F#m D Bm F#m

F#m D F#m
Ribuan kilo jalan yang kau tempuh
D Bm C#7 F#m
Lewati rintang untuk aku anakmu
F#m D F#m
Ibuku sayang masih terus berjalan
D Bm C#7 F#m
Walau tapak kaki penuh darah penuh nanah

A B D F#m
Seperti udara kasih yang engkau berikan
A B D F#m
Tak mampu ku membalas Ibu… ibu…

F#m D F#m
Ingin ku dekat dan menangis dipangkuanmu
D Bm C#7 F#m
Sampai aku tertidur bagai masa kecil dulu

A B D F#m
Lalu doa doa baluri sekujur tubuhku
A B D F#m
Dengan apa membalas Ibu… ibu…


Begadang jangan begadang....

Pada waktu-waktu tertentu, sistem tubuh kita membuang racun didalamnya. bila kita mengenali jadwalnya, kita dapat memaksimalkan pembuangan racun tersebut.
misalnya tidur terlalu malam atau bangun terlalu siang, bisa mengacaukan proses pembuangan zat-zat tidak berguna, selain itu, dari tengah malam hingga pukul 4 dini hari adalah waktu bagi sumsum tulang belakang untuk memproduksi darah. sebab itu, tidurlah yang nyenyak dan jangan begadang.

nih, jadwal tubuh membuang racun:

1. jam 21.00 - 23.00 malam hari adalah waktu pembuangan zat-zat yang tidak berguna/beracun (detoxin) di bagian sistem antibodi (kelenjar getah bening). selama durasi waktu ini, kita harus dalam suasana tenang atau mendengarkan musik. jangan sibuk bekerja di waktu-waktu ini.

2. jam 23.00 - 01.00 dinihari terjadi proses detoxin dibagian hati yang berlangsung dalam kondisi tidur pulas. jadi kita harus tidur, kalo gak proses ini todak terjadi.

3. jam 01.00 - 03.00 dinihari proses detoxin dibagian empedu, juga berlangsung dalam kondisi tidur.

4. jam 03.00 - 05.00 dini hari terjadi detoxin dibagian paru-paru, sebab itu akan terjadi batuk selama durasi waktu ini. karena proses pembersihan (detoxin) telah mencapai saluran pernafasan, maka tak perlu minum obat batuk agar tidak merintangi proses pembuangan kotoran.

5. pagi pukul 05.00 - 07.00 detoxin dibagian usus besar, harus buang air, jangan ditahan-tahan. heran juga klo ada yang mau nahan buat buang kotoran.

6. pukul 07.00 - 09.00 pagi : waktu penyerapan gizi makanan b agi usus kecil, jadi harus makan pagi alias sarapan.
bagi orang yang sakit sebaiknya makan lebih pagi yaitu sebelum pukul 06.30
makan pagi sebelum pukul 07.30 sangat baik untuk kesehatan.

jadi intinya, selama kita tidur terjadi proses pengeluaran zat-zat beracun disamping buat istirahat. Inilah kenapa kanker hati disebabkan utama oleh kebiasaan buruk ini. Racun yang seharusnya dibuang melalui proses yang dilakukan di hati tidak terjadi. sehingga terjadi Kanker tersebut.

nah, masih ada pikirin buat "begadang"???